Consistency and why I consistently suck at it

      Consistency.  It's a word that as a network marketer and constant health seeker I hear and read about constantly.  As frequently as I read about it and as frequently as I tell myself I am going to stick with something, most of the time it falls to the way side.
      Take this blog for example.  I was so excited to be back in the world of blogging and was even getting good feedback from some friends.  Then I let the constant excuse of "life", "anxiety", "craziness" and I lost my consistency with posting and lost a lot of my readership (which I was so excited about!) as well.
    Everyone has their own shit going on and their own level of craziness in their lives.  It's how someone chooses to spend their non-crazy moments that really shows who they are.
      For the new year I am choosing to have my word of the year be "consistency".  2018 is a big year for me!  I'll be starting my 5th year of teaching, I'll be fully balancing work/life/relationship OH and I'll be getting married!  So consistency will be of the utmost important for me to keep my life, my anxiety and my health in control.

What is going to be your word of 2018?